Do you have paid any bills? Okay, then you must be interested to verify your online challan. Thus you need to know the online challan verification process in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Government has opened a website where you can check and verify online challan or e-challan payments.
But most people don’t know how to verify challan online in Bangladesh. That’s why you need to know thorough knowledge of the online challan verification system. So for the convenience of all, this post has come up with all the methods of e-challan verification in BD as we have discussed the e-passport status-checking process.
Before clarifying the online challan verification system, I would like to define the challan and e-challan.
What is a Challan?
A challan or bank challan is defined as an official document, form, memo, or piece of paperwork used to credit deposits from one account to another.
It is particularly financial transactions that usually mean an official form or receipt of acknowledgement or other kinds of proof document, invoice, summons, police citation etc. It is almost similar to the deposit slip available in the bank with which you can deposit money into someone’s account in cash.
However, you need to enter the details of the recipient’s data in the deposit slip and while in the bank challan, they have been already pre-filled. The challan is generated by the merchants, who already have the data of the recipients and the amount to be paid.
What is E-Challan?
Generally, an e-challan is called an electronic format of challan. An e-challan is a computer-generated payment system used to deposit fees or make a statutory contribution or submission of payment to a bank. E challan is an online gateway of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Required Documents for Online Challan Verification BD
To verify your submitted challan online, you will need the following documents:
- Submission date of Challan
- Deposit method
- Bank details
- Challan no.
Online Challan Verification BD
Your online challan can be verified at the e-challan verification website. By clicking on this link, you can simply go to the challan verification portal. Then follow our instructions to verify challan payment online.
Online Challan Verification process:
- First, visit the official e-challan verification website
- After visiting the link, you will see some empty boxes asking for your valid information
- For online challan verification, firstly input the date of the challan
- Select your payment method (e-Payment, Cash, Cheque or transfer)
- Select the bank name through which you have paid the challan (Either it can be Bangladesh Bank or Sonali Bank)
- If you select Sonali Bank, you will have to select the district from the mentioned menu
- Then, choose your bank branch
- Enter your challan number carefully
- Finally, click on the Verify tab
You have to make sure that all of your provided information is correct. Only valid data are acceptable to show your challan verification.
When you press the verify button after entering the required data, you will get detailed information about whether the challan has been paid and how much money has been paid. If the challan is genuine, you will see the full information on your submitted challan.
If you are still facing any issues, watch this video tutorial on e-challan verification in BD.
Last word on the Online Challan Verification System in Bangladesh
After reading this article, I hope, you have learned the detailed procedure of the online challan verification system in BD in 2023. So, now verify your challan whenever you need it. That would help you to remain safe and calm about your payment.